Easy Pudina Chicken Curry recipe: Making At Home

In the event that you love tasty and fragrant chicken curries, the Simple Pudina Chicken Curry recipe is a must-pursue for you! This delightful dish combines succulent pieces of chicken with the refreshing flavors of pudina (mint) to create a mouthwatering culinary experience.

Whether you’re a beginner in the kitchen or an experienced cook, this recipe is designed to be simple, hassle-free, and packed with tantalizing flavors. In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating this delicious dish, so let’s get started!

What is the easy pudina chicken curry recipe?

The easy pudina chicken curry recipe is straightforward, easy, and delicious. It is made of some ingredients which are readily available in the market. This is a perfect recipe for those who do not have much time to prepare dinner or want something tasty and quick that they can cook at home.

In this section, we will provide a brief overview of what makes Pudina Chicken Curry a popular and enticing dish. We will discuss its origins, key ingredients, and the unique flavors that make it stand out among other chicken curry recipes.

Easy pudina chicken curry recipe
Easy Pudina chicken curry recipe

How Long Will It Take to Prepare?

  • Preparation time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking time: Approximately 30-40 minutes
  • Total time: 45 minutes
  • Servings: 2-3
  • Difficulty level: Easy

How To Make The Easy Pudina Chicken Curry Recipe?

Essential Ingredients For Easy pudina chicken curry recipe:

  • 500 grams of Chicken, cut into pieces
  • 1 cup fresh mint leaves (pudina)
  • One large onion, finely chopped
  • Two tomatoes, pureed
  • Two tablespoons oil
  • One tablespoon of ginger-garlic paste
  • One teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • One teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • One teaspoon of red chili powder (adjust according to your spice preference)
  • One teaspoon of coriander powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon garam masala
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh coriander leaves for garnishing

Instructions For The Easy pudina chicken curry recipe:

Step 1


In a bowl, combine the chicken pieces with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, half a teaspoon of red chili powder, ginger-garlic paste, and salt to taste. Mix well and let the Chicken marinate for at least 30 minutes.

Step 2

Preparing the pudina pasta:

In a blender or food processor, add the fresh mint leaves and blend until you get a smooth paste. Set aside the pudina paste for later use.

Step 3

Cooking The Curry

Heat oil in a large pan or kadai over medium heat. Add cumin seeds and let them splutter. Add the chopped onions and sauté until they turn golden brown. Add the tomato puree and cook for a few minutes until the oil separates.

Step 4

Add the remaining turmeric powder, red chili powder, coriander powder, and salt. Mix well. Cook the spice mixture for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the marinated Chicken to the pan and mix it well with the spices. Cook the Chicken for about 5-7 minutes or until it browns.

Step 5

Reduce the heat to low and cover the pan. Let the Chicken simmer for 15-20 minutes or until it is cooked through and tender. Add the pudina paste to the chicken curry and mix well.

Step 6

Cook for another 2-3 minutes to allow the flavors to blend. Sprinkle garam masala over the curry and give it a final stir. Remove from heat.

Step 7

Garnishing and Serving

Transfer the Pudina Chicken Curry to a serving dish. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves. Serve hot with steamed rice, naan, roti, or any bread you choose. Enjoy your flavorful and aromatic Easy Pudina Chicken Curry!

Easy Pudina chicken curry recipe
Easy Pudina chicken curry recipe

Additional Tips for Easy pudina chicken curry recipe:

  1. Add a couple of tablespoons of yogurt or coconut milk while stewing the Chicken for a more extravagant and creamier curry.
  2. If you lean toward a spicier curry, increment how much red bean stew powder or add some finely cleaved green chilies.
  3. Add a spot of kasuri methi (dried fenugreek leaves) to make the curry more fragrant while cooking.
  4. Crush a little lemon juice over the curry before serving for an additional eruption of newness.
  5. On the off chance that you need a thicker sauce, you can add a tablespoon of cashew glue or ground almonds to the curry.
  6. If you don’t have new mint leaves, you can utilize dried ones; however, decrease the amount to half.
  7. Change the recipe by adding vegetables like peas, ringer peppers, or potatoes to the curry.
Easy pudina chicken curry recipe
Easy Pudina chicken curry recipe

Precautions For Easy pudina chicken curry recipe:

  1. Handling Raw Chicken: When running raw Chicken, it’s essential to maintain proper hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after taking raw Chicken to prevent cross-contamination.
  2. Cooking Chicken Thoroughly: Ensure that the Chicken is cooked thoroughly before consuming. Undercooked Chicken can lead to foodborne illnesses. The internal temperature of the Chicken should reach at least 165°F (74°C).
  3. Marination Time: Allow sufficient marination time for the Chicken to absorb the flavors. Aim for a minimum marination time of 30 minutes, but longer marination will result in more flavorful and tender Chicken.
  4. Adjusting Spices: Adjust the amount of spices according to your taste preferences. Start with the suggested quantities in the recipe and gradually increase or decrease the spice levels to suit your liking.
  5. Allergies and Dietary Restrictions: Take note of any allergies or dietary restrictions of yourself or your guests. If anyone is allergic to any ingredients or follows specific nutritional preferences (e.g., vegetarian, gluten-free), make necessary substitutions or omit those ingredients accordingly.
  6. Fresh Ingredients: Use fresh ingredients for the best flavors and results whenever possible. Fresh mint leaves and ripe tomatoes will contribute to the vibrant taste of the Pudina Chicken Curry.
  7. Pudina Paste Consistency: Ensure the pudina (mint) paste is smooth and well-blended. You can add a little water while blending to achieve the desired consistency.
  8. Storing Leftovers: If you have any leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Consume the pieces within 2-3 days and reheat thoroughly before serving

Nutrition Facts of easy pudina chicken curry recipe:

Saturated Fat3 g
Dietary fibre5 g
Total fat16 g
Potassium628 mg
Calcium24 mg
Magnesium51 mg
Iron1 mg
Easy Pudina chicken curry recipe

It’s important to note that the nutrition profile can vary based on the specific quantities and brands of ingredients used, as well as any variations or modifications you make to the recipe. If you require precise nutritional information, it’s recommended to calculate it using a reliable recipe analysis tool or consult a nutritionist.

10 Healthy Benefits easy pudina chicken Curry recipe-

1. Heart Healthy:

Chicken curry is an excellent source of nutrients for heart health. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, essential for the proper function of the heart and brain. They help regulate cholesterol levels and prevent arrhythmia.

2. Digestive Health:

Pudina chicken has a mild but pleasant taste and is packed with healthy fiber. The fiber slows digestion in your stomach to ensure you get all the nutrients you need from every bite, even when eating out at a restaurant or fast-food joint.

3. Good Weight Management:

Pudina chicken has a nutty taste and is low in fat, which helps control your appetite and prevent overeating. It’s one of the best protein sources in your diet and enables you to maintain weight and muscle tone.

4. Anti-inflammatory:

Pudina chicken contains calcium that keeps the body’s immune system healthy and strong, preventing inflammation. Calcium also decreases joint pain, arthritis, and other forms of chronic pain.

5. Energy:

Chicken curry is one of the best natural sources of energy. It contains a group of micronutrients called choline and other B vitamins, known as B6, B12, and folic acid, that work to increase cellular energy production in your body. They also help to improve muscle tone and strength, preventing fatigue.

6. Digestive:

Pudina chicken contains a compound called curcumin that works to protect your digestive system.

7. Reduces Stress:

Pudina chicken contains the neurotransmitter neurotransmitters, which work to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. They also help to relieve muscle tension, cramps, headaches, and pain.

Easy Pudina chicken curry recipe


Easy pudina chicken curry is a very mouth-watering recipe. The ingredients used here are not only used in daily cooking but also are very beneficial for our bodies. Also, no onion and garlic powder makes it even healthier to eat.

The easy pudina chicken curry recipe goes well with rice or roti. It has a rich flavor because of the addition of lemon juice, tomato sauce, sugar powder, and pudina leaves (also known as fresh coriander).

People Frequently Ask Questions

Can I use dried mint instead of fresh mint leaves?

In the Easy Pudina Chicken Curry recipe, you can use dried mint as a substitute for fresh mint leaves. However, it’s important to note that the flavor and intensity may differ slightly. When using dried mint, reduce the quantity to about half of what the recipe calls for using fresh mint leaves. This will help ensure that the dried mint doesn’t overpower the dish. Adjust the quantity based on your personal preference for mint flavor.

Can I substitute Chicken with another protein?

Absolutely! While the original recipe calls for Chicken, you can substitute it with another protein you choose. Some suitable alternatives include boneless lamb, shrimp, tofu, or even a medley of vegetables for a vegetarian version. Adjust the cooking time accordingly, as different proteins may require other cooking times to ensure they are fully cooked and tender.

How long can I store the leftovers in the refrigerator?

You can store the leftovers of the Pudina Chicken Curry in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Make sure to let the curry cool down before refrigerating it. When reheating, ensure it is heated thoroughly to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) before consuming.

Can I freeze the Pudina Chicken Curry for later use?

You can freeze the Pudina Chicken Curry for later use. Transfer the curry to a freezer-safe container or freezer bag, leaving some space for expansion. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Thaw the curry overnight in the refrigerator before reheating it. When reheating, ensure it reaches a proper internal temperature before serving.

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