Chicken brine smoker recipe: 5 Amazing serving ideas

The chicken brine smoker recipe is a new idea that allows you to infuse the meat with a smoky flavour while allowing the heart to be tender and juicy.

Brine Smoking is a technique often used by competition BBQ teams because it produces moist, tender, and flavorful chicken.

The flavours from the brine are infused into the meat through injection or marination that is soaked in water for hours, then smoked for a few hours up to overnight before it is finished on a full-sized grill.

What is the Chicken brine smoker recipe?

Smoke is a cooking process that imparts the meat with a smoky flavour by burning the heart at a shallow temperature that causes fat to melt and liquid to evaporate.

The result is a delicious and tender meat product. A chicken brine smoker recipe is a new way of taking advantage of creating this delightful smoke flavouring for your barbecue chicken.

Bringing the chicken in brine is delicious and helps tenderizes the pork and enhance its flavours.

Chicken brine smoker recipe
Chicken brine smoker recipe

How Long Will It Take to Prepare?

  • Prepare time: 20 minutes
  • Total time: 1.5 hours (1 hour marinate and 30 minutes at least overnight to let the brine soak into the meat)
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Resting time: 10 minutes
  • Serves: 2 people

How to make a chicken brine smoker recipe?


  • 1 (3lb) whole chicken, preferably thawed
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp kosher salt
  • 2 tbsp smoked paprika
  • 2 tbsp turmeric powder (can substitute with 2 tsp ground ginger and either 1 tsp dried oregano or 2 tsp ground thyme)
  • 2 tbsp mustard seed/powder
  • Eight peppercorns, crushed
  • Three bay leaves, crushed
  • Two whole cloves



Combine all ingredients (except the chicken) in a gallon container with a tight-fitting lid.


Place the chicken in the brine and leave it in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours (or overnight) to cure the brine.


If you have time, allow the chicken to marinate overnight before cooking. If you wish, cut them into cubes and add them back into your brine container, along with any extra sauce from the cuisine.


Remove the chicken from the brine, rinse under cold water, and pat dry.


Cook over indirect heat on a grill for about an hour. (Note: Keep your grill covered with the lid open first to prevent flare-ups, and then when you see smoke, keep it on close to help maintain a steady temperature).


Let rest for 10 minutes before serving.


You have just made a delicious brine-infused chicken.

Additional Tips:

During this cooking process, keep the grill covered with the lid open at first to prevent flare-ups, and then when you start to see smoke, keep it on close to help maintain a steady temperature.

Additional Notes:

The salt will dissolve into the water and create a brine that you can use for your next batch of chicken. This is why a gallon bag is used.

Nutrition facts of Chicken brine smoker recipe:

Total Fat22g
Saturated Fat3.8g
Total Carbohydrate4.2g
Dietary Fiber1g
Chicken brine smoker recipe

5 Amazing serving ideas Chicken brine smoker recipe-

  1. Take a pint of the chicken brine and add any extra sauce after the chicken is done smoking. You can then use this on another batch of chicken.
  2. Instead of the olive oil, use a small amount of unsalted butter to brown the bird.
  3. Instead of a whole chicken, use chicken breast or tenderloin. You can do up to 2 pounds on a 1-inch thick basting pan or cast-iron skillet. Remember you must cut the time in half as it is thinner than a whole chicken.
  4. Do you not have an outdoor smoker? No problem! You can always smoke your meat on your grill in an indoor smoker box.
  5. Instead of the brick smoker, you can use a wood or charcoal smoker and smoke the chicken for up to 3 hours at 200 degrees.

What are the health benefits of the Chicken brine smoker recipe?

This recipe is extremely healthy and has a lot of benefits. Helps fight bad cholesterol. Helps prevent heart disease. It contains natural fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. These four vitamins help keep your hair, skin, nails, and oral health in check.

Vitamin A allows you to see better in the dark, while Vitamin K helps prevent bleeding. These vitamins also play a role in fighting off infection and keeping our bones strong and healthy.

What are the Benefits of Brining?   

Brining adds moisture to the meat and enhances the flavours of the chicken while enhancing its texture. The process works similarly to marinating, but its low cooking temperature allows for more flavour absorption. (Marination is usually done at high temperatures).

What kind of temperature should my smoker be set at?

The temperature of your smoker is a critical ingredient in the brine-infused smoking process. I suggest setting your smoker at 200 degrees and letting it smoke in this range for at least an hour.

If you are going with the brick, set your smoker at about 225 degrees for about 2 hours.

Is it healthy for Children?

Yes, it is healthy for kids. It is a low-fat and lower-calorie food. It contains essential nutrients such as niacin (vitamin B3), phosphorus, selenium, and zinc that are essential for the formation of red blood cells and the growth of healthy tissues in children.

Chicken also has several B vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, and phosphorus in their breast meat.

Can I use this brine on other types of meat besides chicken?

You can use this brine for all types of meat, poultry, and fish.

Chicken brine smoker recipe
Chicken brine smoker recipe

What do you eat with a Chicken brine smoker recipe?

Not only are they delicious all by themselves, but you can add this delicious bird to any of your favourite side dishes. Here are a few suggestions: Green Beans with Almonds, Corn on the Cob, and Homemade Mashed Potatoes.

Can I use apple cider vinegar instead of apple juice?

It would help if you stuck with the apple juice. If you use apple cider vinegar, the chicken will taste like vinegar.

Is it better to use a charcoal smoker for this recipe?

In my opinion, you can use either a gas or electric smoker for this recipe. I suggest the brick because it makes it much easier to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the cooking process.

If you have an electric smoker, turn your heat to 280 degrees and let it smoke over indirect heat for about an hour. If you use a gas smoker, set it at about 200 degrees and smoke until done.

What can I do with the leftovers from this recipe?

If you have leftover chicken, try storing the meat in an airtight container in your refrigerator. You can use it within five days, but if you are not going to eat the chicken right away, you should freeze it!

I suggest freezing the meat on a flat plate and covering it with aluminium foil. Once it’s frozen, you can place it inside a freezer bag with some of its juices.

How to store the Chicken brine smoker recipe?

You can keep the cooked meat in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Just make sure to keep it refrigerated.

Chicken brine smoker recipe


People who want to make this recipe should try it at least once. This straightforward recipe is perfect for anyone new to smoking meats or grilling.

It’s also great for anyone who wants to try different brines. Including the cinnamon and apple cider vinegar makes the chicken taste sweeter than if you were to use salt alone.

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