Logan’s Wood-Grilled Chicken: 10 Healthy Benefits

Logan’s wood-grilled chicken is a product of our family’s passion for mouth-watering buttermilk fried chicken. We’ve combined a firm, moist and flavorful breast with a generous helping of savoury, smoky bacon. You’ll be swept away by the flavours we put in this one dish!

This dish is perfect for any occasion, whether an easy weekday meal or an indulgent weekend brunch. With Logan’s wood-grilled chicken, you never have to worry about not being able to enjoy fried chicken.

What is Logan’s wood-grilled chicken?

Logan’s wood-grilled chicken is a savoury and tender breast of chicken seasoned with savoury bacon, which is then grilled to perfection. This delicious chicken is marinated with buttermilk for tenderness, and spicy pan-grilling gives this chicken a surprise extra kick.

Logans wood grilled chicken
Logan’s wood-grilled chicken

How Long Will It Take to Prepare?

  • Prepare time: 15 minutes
  • Cook time: 35 minutes
  • Total time: 50 minutes
  • Resting time: 10 minutes
  • Serves: 2

How to Make Logan’s wood-grilled chicken?


  • ½ cup buttermilk
  • ¼ teaspoon paprika
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon mustard powder
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 cup chopped bacon
  • 1½ lbs. chicken breast without skin, cut into 1-inch pieces



The boiled chicken is placed atop a bed of fresh, cold vegetables and herbs.


The chicken is then wrapped in dough, brushed with egg wash, and lightly browned on all sides at high heat until completely cooked.


Remove the rolled-up chicken to the warming tray to finish cooking.


Mix together all the marinade ingredients in one large bowl, reserving a few tablespoons of garlic and parsley in a small bowl.


Place the chicken onto the tray and pour over the sauce.


Grill at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes or until juices run clear when pierced with a knife.


Remove from the grill and allow the chicken to rest for 5 minutes before serving.


Mix the garlic, parsley, and remaining sauce ingredients in a small bowl. Pour over chicken or serve on the side for dipping.


To make Logan’s wood-grilled chicken even more delicious, add 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 teaspoon of paprika with the bacon.

Nutrition Facts of Logan’s wood-grilled chicken:

Logan’s wood-grilled chicken

10 Healthy Benefits of Logan’s wood-grilled chicken:

1. Heart healthy:

A study showed that chicken from homegrown chickens is a heart-healthy food option. In the study, researchers found out that the fat in chicken is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the heart.

2. Arthritis:

Due to its high protein content, chicken helps relieve joint pain and swelling associated with arthritis. It also fights depression and anxiety and provides essential elements for good health.

3. Good for skin:

The presence of zinc in chicken can help prevent acne from forming. It also helps maintain the skin’s elasticity and makes it soft.

4. Relieves constipation:

Chicken contains a high amount of water, which is beneficial for treating constipation naturally as it helps flush out toxins from the body. The B vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine in chicken also help relieve constipation by converting food into energy.

5. Relieves stress:

The high protein content of chicken helps release hormones that fight stress. Chicken is also rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin and melatonin. These two substances help relieve stress naturally.

6. Good for pregnant women:

Chicken is a good source of protein for pregnant women, which can help build muscle mass, boost metabolism and promote a feeling of fullness even with small portions.

7. Reduces the risk of cancer:

Studies showed that eating chicken lowers the risk of breast cancer. Chicken is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals that fight cancer. At the same time, researchers also advised women to increase their intake of whole grains and vegetables rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that fights breast cancer.

8. Boosts weight loss:

Chicken is a low-fat and low-calorie food option. It contains monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce belly fat, thus helping with weight loss.

9. Skincare:

Chicken is rich in vitamins C, B3, and B6, which promote collagen production. Including chicken in one’s diet helps maintain the elasticity of the skin.

10. Healthy bones:

Chicken, rich in phosphorus and boron, helps prevent osteoporosis by strengthening the bones. They also promote calcium absorption, thus boosting bone health and teeth health.

Logans wood-grilled chicken
Logans wood-grilled chicken

What makes your wood-grilled chicken so unique?

“Logan’s Wood-Grilled Chicken” uses only the finest, freshest ingredients and marinates them in Logan’s special blend of spices for at least 24 hours.

This gives the chicken a more intense flavour with a crispy skin. Not to mention, it tastes better and is healthier for you than any other wood-grilled chicken.

How many times do you marinate your wood-grilled chicken?

“Logan’s Wood-Grilled Chicken” is marinated for at least one day. Removing it from the marinade allows the flavour and moisture to absorb into the chicken. This also helps keep the chicken moist while cooking.

What makes Logan’s wood-grilled chicken different from other wood-grilled chicken?

Logan’s uses only the finest ingredients, including all white meat, and marinates it in a blend of herbs and spices. What sets us apart from other restaurants is our “fire-roasted” flavour. We also make all of our side items fresh every day.

Is it Gluten free?

The wood-grilled chicken dish is indeed gluten-free.

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What do you eat with Logan’s Wood-Grilled Chicken?

Logan’s Wood-Grilled Chicken is delicious with over 15 side items, including hand-cut french fries, onion rings, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, potato salad, and more.

How to marinate boiled chicken?

Taking the boiled chicken out of the pot and cooling it down helps prevent it from overcooking. If the chicken is too hot, brush it with melted butter to remove some moisture.

Wash the chicken and pat dry with paper towels. Place the chicken in a Ziplock bag and add a mixture of salt and pepper. Place the chicken in the refrigerator.

How to store Logan’s wood-grilled chicken?

Store chicken in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Let it come to room temperature before cooking. Chicken breasts are one of the most versatile cuts of poultry, and they are an excellent source of lean protein.

Chicken is often a popular choice for main courses and is available with various sauces and seasonings that can be cooked on your grill or in your oven.

Logan’s Wood-Grilled Chicken


With Logan’s wood-grilled chicken, you can enjoy the taste of juicy, flavorful, and tender chicken without having to worry about the high-fat content and calories found in fried chicken.

We recommend Logan’s wood-grilled chicken for those looking for a healthier alternative to fried food. It is a healthier option that tastes amazing!

For those of you who like this article about logan’s wood-grilled chicken, I hope you enjoyed reading it and found it helpful.

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