South African chicken curry recipe: Easy Savory Cooking Direction

South African chicken curry recipe is a popular dish in the African country of South Africa. Made of various spices and herbs, with the addition of potatoes and kidney beans, this dish is hearty and familiar. Making this dish properly requires a lot of time to prepare. The recipe below can be found on various South African websites.

South Africa has always been a crossroads of cultures. As a result, it is not surprising that this country has some of the most varied and best cuisine in the world. The diversity of South Africa’s cuisine can be explained by its history.

What is the South African chicken curry recipe?

As aforesaid, the South African chicken curry recipe is a trendy dish in South Africa. However, this country’s cuisine can’t be described by one formula alone. Living near India and the Middle East for as long as it has, South Africa has incorporated elements from these cultures into its recipes.

In the case of this dish, it contains elements of Indian and Arab cooking combined with African techniques and traditions. There are indeed many similarities between Indian and Arab cuisines and South African cuisine.

South African chicken curry recipe
South African chicken curry recipe

How Long Will It Take To Prepare?

  • Prepare time: 15-20 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30-35 minutes
  • Total time: 55 minutes
  • Servings: 6
  • Difficulty: Average

How to make a South African chicken curry recipe?

Essential Ingredients For South African chicken curry recipe:

  • 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs cut into scaled-down pieces
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • One onion, diced
  • Three garlic cloves minced
  • One tablespoon of ginger, minced
  • Two tablespoons of South African curry powder
  • One teaspoon of ground cumin
  • One teaspoon of ground coriander
  • One teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • One teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • One teaspoon paprika
  • One teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 (14-ounce) can of diced tomatoes, depleted
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • One tablespoon honey
  • Two tablespoons of new lemon juice
  • Two tablespoons of slashed fresh cilantro

Directions For South African chicken curry recipe:

Step 1

Heat the vegetable oil over medium intensity in an enormous Dutch broiler or pot. Add the onion and cook until delicate and precise, around 5 minutes.

Step 2

Add the garlic and ginger and cook for one more moment.

Step 3

Add the chicken and cook until caramelized on all sides, around 5 minutes.

Step 4

Add the curry powder, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, paprika, salt, and cayenne pepper. Mix to cover the chicken and cook for 2-3 minutes until fragrant.

Step 5

Add the diced tomatoes, chicken stock, coconut milk, and honey. Bring to a stew and cook for 30-40 minutes until the chicken is delicate and cooked.

Step 6

Mix in the lemon juice and cilantro. Serve hot with rice, naan bread, or roti.

South African chicken curry recipe
South African chicken curry recipe

Additional Tips For South African chicken curry recipe:

  1. For this recipe, it’s ideal to involve bone-in chicken pieces like chicken thighs or drumsticks, as they will remain wet and delicate during the long cooking process.
  2. Toasting the flavors in a dry search for a gold couple of moments before adding them to the curry will improve their taste and fragrance.
  3. Utilize new fixings, like ginger, garlic, and cilantro, whenever possible to guarantee the most excellent flavor.
  4. If you favor a milder curry, decrease how much stew powder or exclude it by and large. On the other hand, assuming you like it spicier, add more bean stew powder or fresh stew peppers.
  5. A tablespoon of honey or sugar can assist with adjusting the intensity and causticity of the curry.
  6. To get the best flavor and delicacy, stew the curry on low intensity for 60 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through, and the sauce has thickened.
  7. When the curry is finished, let it rest for a couple of moments before serving. This will permit the flavors to merge and the chicken to assimilate more of the sauce.
South African chicken curry recipe
South African chicken curry recipe

Precautions For South African chicken curry recipe:

  1. While dealing with crude chicken, consistently make a point to clean up entirely with cleanser and water when taking care of the chicken. Utilize a different cutting board and utensils for the chicken to forestall cross-defilement with other fixings.
  2. Ensure that the chicken is cooked to an inward temperature of no less than 165°F (74°C) to eliminate any hurtful microorganisms that might be available. Utilize a meat thermometer to look at the chicken’s interior temperature.
  3. Store crude chicken in the fridge at or below 40°F (4°C) until prepared to utilize. When the chicken is cooked, store any extras in the refrigerator for no less than 2 hours of cooking.
  4. Utilize new flavors and check the expiry dates to guarantee they are not old or ruined. This will ensure that the kind of dish isn’t compromised.
  5. Try washing any vegetables used in the recipe to eliminate soil or microorganisms.
  6. Utilize a decent quality curry powder to guarantee the best flavor.

Nutrition Facts Of South African chicken curry recipe:

Calories 245 kcal
Total Fat 4g
Saturated Fat 1 g
Cholesterol 45 mg
Sodium 1120 mg
Potassium 887 mg
Total Carbohydrates 16 g  
Dietary Fiber 3 g  
Protein 12 g
South African chicken curry recipe

5 unique serving ideas for South African chicken curry recipe:

1. Over rice or quinoa-

This is the exemplary method for serving chicken curry, and for good explanation! The feathery grains of rice or quinoa make the ideal base for the tasty curry sauce. You might blend in a few new spices, similar to cilantro or parsley, to add a pop of variety and additional flavor.

2. With naan bread-

Naan bread is a traditional Indian bread that matches impeccably with curry. It’s delicate, marginally chewy, and has a rich flavor that supplements the curry well. You can purchase pre-made naan or make it yourself at home using a basic recipe.

3. In a wrap or pita-

If you’re searching for a tomfoolery, handheld method for serving your chicken curry, take a stab at enveloping it with a tortilla or pita bread. You can add a few new veggies, such as destroyed carrots or lettuce, for some crunch and variety.

4. With broiled vegetables-

Cooked veggies are an extraordinary method for offsetting the wealthy kinds of curry. Have a go at cooking a few yams, ringer peppers, and onions on the stove until they’re delicate and marginally caramelized. Then, at that point, serve them close by the curry for a sound and delightful dinner.

5. As a soup-

If you have any extras, you can transform them into a consoling soup without much of a stretch. Add chicken stock or water to the curry to thin it out, and heat it in the oven until it’s hot and effervescent. You can serve it with some hard bread or saltines for plunging.

South African chicken curry recipe


South African chicken curry is a delectable and incredible dish that will bolster your taste buds and make you lick your fingers when you’re done. The mix of sweet, hot, spiciness, and amazing flavors will leave you longing for more! Ensure that you try this recipe out because it’s incredible.

People Frequently ask questions

What Are The Vital Fixings In A South African Chicken Curry Recipe?

A portion of the vital fixings in a South African chicken curry recipe incorporates chicken, onions, garlic, ginger, curry powder, tomato glue, coconut milk, and different vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and chime peppers.
Additional fixings that might be utilized incorporate cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, coriander, and turmeric. The particular fixings can shift contingent upon the recipe and the district in South Africa where it begins.

How To Cook South African Chicken Curry In A Pressure Cooker/Crockpot?

If you need, you can make the South African chicken curry in a crock pot. All you have to do is cook meat effectively, then add the rest of the fixings into the crockpot. After that, cook at a low temperature until done.

How To Cook South African Chicken Curry On A Stovetop/Oven?

If you need, you can likewise cook South African chicken curry on an open flame. If you are utilizing a bamboo spatula, chop up the veggies and cook them until tender.
Then, put all the bouillon fixings into a saucepan and cook it on medium heat for about two minutes until warm. Add your meat and vegetables into a bowl and mix them as soon as it is warm.

South African Chicken Curry Recipe, How To Make A Gluten-Free Version?

If you need to make a South African chicken curry recipe without gluten, simply exchange the flour with a gluten-free decision like cornstarch.

What Is The Best Meat For A South African Chicken Curry Recipe?

The best meat for a South African chicken curry recipe is chicken. Other meats (turkey, pork, fish) can work, but they won’t be as effective. Chicken is ideal given its extensive range of health benefits and a well-known and loved part of the typical South African dish.

What Is The Best Way To Cook South African Chicken Curry For A Large Party?

You can utilize a slow or pressure cooker for your South African chicken curry recipe. If it is a large gathering, you can use a form of 8 to cook about 15 servings of the South African chicken curry recipe. All you have to do is complement the pass-on fixings with extra turmeric and cook until done.

How Spicy Is This South African Chicken Curry Recipe?

It relies upon your particular South African chicken curry recipe. Most South African dishes are hot, yet this depends on the chili powder used and your choice of fixings.
Most plates utilize an essential blend of ingredients, so they don’t add extremely hot to the dish.

How Long Does It Take To Make This South African Chicken Curry Recipe?

It depends on the dish you pick and the route you cook it. Most recipes take considerable energy to make, given that some different fixings and procedures must be taken. On the off chance that you need to rush it, consider utilizing a pressure cooker or crockpot.

What Vegetables Can I Add To My South African Chicken Curry Recipe?

A few of the most famous vegetables frequently added to South African chicken curry recipes incorporate potatoes, carrots, and chime peppers. You can likewise include onions or peppers for a different taste and a touch of something new.

What Spices Are Utilized In Making South African Chicken Curry?

The fundamental mix in a South African chicken curry recipe incorporates turmeric, cumin, coriander, cardamom, ginger, garlic, and onion. Other spices may include curry powder, cinnamon, and paprika.

How To Make South African Chicken Curry On The Stove?

If you need to make your South African chicken curry recipe using a stove, you can utilize a pot for cooking all the fixings. First, you require cooking the chicken effectively, and after that, mix all the different fixings into a saucepan and cook until warm. Adding potatoes will be helpful so they can soak up some of the fixings and add taste to your dish.

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