Chicken wing smoker recipe: Easy 5 steps

The chicken wing smoker recipe is a recipe to cook chicken wings in a smoker with a twist. The smoked wing provides a more flavorful and juicier attachment that will please even the most demanding eaters. This recipe is perfect for people looking for an alternative to the typically deep-fried wings.

The best part about this recipe is that it can be used to cook with all types of meat, from chicken to turkey and even organic or non-organic beef. It is essential to mention that this smoked chicken wing recipe can also be used on other meats and will work just as well.

What is the Chicken wing smoker recipe?

This recipe is a cooking technique used to cook meat in a smoker. The chicken wing smoker recipe uses oak wood chips, which can be found at most local grocery stores. Oak wood chips are recommended because they are the perfect combination of sweet and spicy.

The sweet taste will bring out all of the natural juices in the meat and replace any fat with a better-tasting and healthier option. The spices are added to the chicken wing smoker recipe to bring out all the flavours in the meat.

Chicken wing smoker recipe
Chicken wing smoker recipe

How To Long Will It Take To Prepare?

  • Prepare time: 20 minutes
  • Cook time: 40-50 minutes
  • Marinate time: 20 minutes
  • Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Serving: 4-5

How to make a Chicken wing smoker recipe?




Mix all of the ingredients for the chicken wing smoker recipe in a large bowl. Marinate the chicken wings for at least 15 minutes. Stir and add more herbs if desired. Pour the meat into a Ziplock bag and then seal it.


In a smoker pit or some smoker, place the chicken wing pieces on the rack to smoke. You can also use the regular charcoal-burning grill.


Place the smoking rack on top of the meat and then close the lid or close it for half an hour to let the smoke get inside.


Keep the chicken wings on the smoking rack to develop a smoke flavour. Once all of the meat is thoroughly smoked, it is time to remove it from the smoker.


Pour 3 tbsp of the oil into a frying pan and then heat it on high heat. Season the meat with black pepper, salt and brown sugar. Put the smoked chicken wing pieces in the frying pan, and deep fry them until they become crispy.

Additional Tips:

  1. If you are using a smoker, it is essential to soak the wood chips in water for at least an hour before using them. This will help prevent them from burning too quickly and leaving too harsh smoke.
  2. Also, to make this recipe, you will need a wood chip smoking rack. It is just a wire mesh to keep the meat suspended over the heat source. This will help keep the heart from sticking to the pan.

Precautions For Recipes:

  1. Remember that this recipe is for smoking chicken wings and should not be used for other meats. Keep your pit or grill closed when you are smoking the meat. This will help ensure that the heart has a chance to absorb all of the smoke from the chicken wing smoker recipe.
  2. Remember that you don’t need to soak the wood chips in water before using them. Smoke wood chips as they come, which will help bring out all of their natural flavours.
  3. Do not keep any meat in the smoker for more than an hour or two. The smell will start to get too intense and toned and can be a nuisance when people sit around your table. It can also cause danger if you do not have any ventilation.

Nutrition Facts of Chicken wing smoker recipe:

Calories 550 kcal
Total Fat 42 g
Cholesterol 168 mg
Carbohydrates 7 g
Proteins 34 g
Sodium 688 mg
Fibre 1 g
Vitamin A 2.3%
Vitamin C 5.4%
Calcium 4.7%
Iron 18.6%
Chicken wing smoker recipe

The 3 variations of the Chicken wing smoker recipe-

1. Chicken wing smoker recipe with hot and sour sauce:

Chicken wing smoker recipe with hot and sour sauce is a staple for many chicken wing smokers. This is one of the most popular variations because it provides an excellent balance for bold flavours.

Also, it is an ideal way to take advantage of all that smoked chicken offers. This variation will use the hot and sour sauce with vinegar and soy sauce to provide a nice kick in the taste buds.

2. Chicken wing smoker recipe with sweet and spicy sauce:

The chicken wing smoker recipe with sweet and spicy sauce is a unique variation that will leave you craving more. This variation is ideal for those who have already tried other variations but are still looking for something new.

This recipe uses tabasco hot pepper sauce, black pepper, cayenne pepper and more to create the ideal blend of spices that will make your mouth tingle.

3. Chicken wing smoker recipe with garlic and herb:

This is one of the best options if you want to use the chicken wing smoker recipe for a great twist on your regular meal. This variation will bring all the natural flavours out of your meat.

It also has a great, bold kick you will feel as soon as it goes down. The garlic and herb are some of the keys to this recipe, and it will leave you craving more every time.

Chicken wing smoker recipe
Chicken wing smoker recipe

What are the health benefits of a Chicken wing smoker recipe?

The chicken wing smoker recipe comes with several benefits. First, it will help you avoid using unhealthy saturated fats for cooking meat. The chicken wing smoker recipe is also low in cholesterol, which makes it ideal for a healthy alternative to other options.

The chicken wing smoker recipe is also high in protein and vitamins that you can’t get with other recipes. This makes it a great way to meet your daily needs without compromising taste.

What temperature do you smoke food when cooking?

The chicken wing smoker recipe works best when cooking at around 250°F. High temperatures prevent the meat from drying out and make the perfect meal.

How to get the most smoke from your wood chips when using a smoker pit or grill?

To get the most smoke from your wood chips, you must soak them before using them in the smoker pit or grill. This may seem like a surprise, but it allows the moisture to evaporate, drawing out more smoke.

This will also remove some excess oil you would usually have if you were trying to use dry chips. This will help you get better flavours when you are finished and provide a better meal overall.

Is it okay to use olive oil with this recipe?

This is a great question and one that many people are asking. Olive oil is a great oil to use, but it does have less smoke being produced than others.

This doesn’t mean you can’t use olive oil with this recipe, but you must get creative with your smoking time if you want the natural flavours.

Can I add sauce to this chicken wing smoker recipe?

Chicken wing smoker recipe is a no-brainer when looking for a top-notch recipe that will take less than one hour to prepare. This chicken wing smoker recipe is excellent with the hot and sour sauce because it balances out the bold taste of the chicken.

Use the vinegar and soy sauce to help bring out the bold flavours of this chicken wing recipe. This chicken wing recipe is an excellent option for those looking to make something that has been smoked with some difference from your standard options.

How long do you need to smoke meat to make the meat tender?

You will only need to smoke the meat for around one hour when using the chicken wing smoker recipe. This time is not enough to cause any issues with tenderness.

You will find that this duration is perfect for creating a meal that is full of natural flavours and a unique taste that you can’t get anywhere else.

Is it Gluten free?

This recipe is Gluten free. Other ingredients can be a problem for some people, but this is not one of them. The chicken wing smoker recipe is an excellent alternative to other BBQ recipes and will leave you with a unique taste that you will love.

What is my best option for a smoker for chicken wings?

The best option for a smoker for chicken wings is the Smokie Electric Hot Smoke BBQ Smoker Grill. This smoker provides an excellent interface with a modern design that you can take everywhere.

It also comes with wheels so you can move it quickly and a stainless-steel design to ensure your product lasts longer. It is also relatively affordable and easy to use, which means it will be perfect for any family looking to get started in the business of cooking meat.

What do you eat with a Chicken wing smoker recipe?

There are several great side dishes that you can eat to complement the chicken wing smoker recipe. Some of the most popular options include green beans and potatoes, which provide delicious flavours and textures that will be great for balancing your meal.

Is it healthy for children?

The chicken wing smoker recipe is not only a great way to prepare meats for your family, but it is also a good source of nutrients.

The chicken wing smoker recipe is high in proteins, vegetables and vitamins from the vegetables and herbs. These minerals are one of the ingredients used to create the perfect meal.

How do you remove the skin from your chicken wings?

Protein is a crucial element used in your chicken wing smoker recipe. The best method to remove the skin is using a food processor. This helps to break down the membrane and make it easier for you to remove.

How to make the Chicken wing smoker recipe healthy?

The chicken wing smoker recipe is already a healthy option, but you can make it healthier by adjusting your ingredients.

For example, you can substitute regular oil for olive oil during cooking. This will boost the health of your dish and reduce some of the saturated fats often used in cooking meat.

How to Store Chicken wing smoker recipe?

You can store the chicken wing smoker recipe using glass containers or plastic bags. These will help maintain freshness and allow you to keep the meal longer. At the same time, you are not recommended to freeze the chicken wing smoker recipe.

Chicken wing smoker recipe


The chicken wing smoker recipe is a great way to get natural flavours and healthy meals for your family. This recipe does not involve chemicals, making it an excellent solution for those who don’t want to compromise when it comes to their family.

The chicken wing smoker recipe is also quick and easy, which makes it ideal for those who want to try something new but don’t have much time on their hands. This recipe has also become very popular among professional chefs since they can use it indoors or outdoors without messing.

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