Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes: 7 Amazing serving ideas

The chicken apple smoked sausage recipe is a simple recipe with a surprising twist. This recipe creates an omelette that is put together by poaching chicken, onions, and apples and then adding some celery for a great taste.

These smoked sausages are made with many spices, so they are perfect. The recipe is easy to follow, and the pictures are included to get an idea of what the finished product will look like.

This recipe uses regular chicken-apple sausages that you can buy at a store. You must slice them into rounds and poach them in water with onion, celery, and apples. Once they are all cooked, you need to cool them down so that the omelette mixture can be added.

What are the Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes?

The Chicken Apple smoked sausages are great in an omelette or on a pizza, as well as in other meat dishes. They can be added to any of your words and will add a certain zing to your plate that you won’t find with other sausages.

This smoked sausage recipe uses chicken and bacon and they are cooked together to create a really good-tasting smoked sausage. These smoked sausages, when added to breaded chicken, taste amazing. This is a great recipe that can be used in all sorts of different ways.

It also gives you some smokey flavour as well as some spicy flavour. The skin on the chicken sausage gives it a nice texture, so it tastes just like bacon, but with the extra contribution of skin from the peppers, which provides a beautiful surface.

Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes
Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes

How Long To Will Do It Take To Prepare?

  • Prepare time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking time: 25 minutes
  • Total time: 40 minutes
  • Servings: 3-4

How to make Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes?


  • 12 chicken apple smoked sausages
  • One onion, chopped
  • Three garlic cloves, minced
  • One stalk of celery, finely sliced
  • One green chilli pepper, finely sliced (optional)
  • Three tablespoons of oil or butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup celery (finely diced)
  • 1/2 cup apples (finely chopped)
  • One tbs parsley
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • Curry powder
  • Cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup milk and cornstarch
  • Pasta



Slice the chicken smoked sausages into rounds and poach them with onion, celery and apples in water.


Once the chicken is cooked, take it out of the water. Cool it down for about 10 minutes to mix in the omelette mixture.


Now stir fry the onions and curry powder and add some salt to it for about 5 minutes, then add garlic paste and continue frying for 2 minutes. Add the apples and continue to fry for 3 minutes.

Then add the celery and chilli pepper to the mixture and fry till it becomes soft.


Then stir in some parsley, thyme, salt, pepper and cider vinegar. When you get a creamy texture, add milk and cornstarch mix together until you get a smooth surface.

Take this mixture out of the heat or place it on low flame so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom of the pan.


Take a skillet and warm up the oil. Place the chicken apple smoked sausage omelette mixture in the skillet and fry it quickly to get golden brown. Place it on a dish, garnish with some fresh parsley leaves and serve.

Additional Tips:

  1. You can also use regular sausages instead of chicken apple smoked sausages. Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes are delicious and easy to prepare.
  2. You can make this recipe with chicken breasts or even chicken wings. The omelette mixture is excellent for creating beautiful eggs benedict with cheese or ham.
  3. Serve in a sandwich with homemade bread or a tortilla wrap for a great snack. This recipe is best served hot on toast for breakfast, fruit salad, and coffee.

Precautions for Recipes:

  1. Do not let the chicken apple smoked sausage recipe get cold; it will be tough to mix in the omelette ingredients.
  2. Adding a little vinegar to your omelette mixture is better because it makes it easier to cook. It is best to use small-sized sausages for this recipe. They are easy to cut and easy to prepare for this recipe.
  3. Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes are great with cheese, so you can add some cheddar cheese if you want an extra zing.

Nutrition facts of Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes:

Total fat40g
Saturated fat20g
Vitamin A1%
Vitamin C10%
Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes

7 Amazing serving ideas Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes-

1. Omelette:

Warm up the omelette mixture in a nonstick skillet. Pour some of the omelette mixtures into a smoking pan. Add some grated cheese on top and place it in the microwave for about one minute.

2. Fried chicken sausage recipes:

Add some small chicken apple smoked sausages to your favourite fried chicken recipes.

3. Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes sandwiches:

This can be put into a homemade sandwich. It is best after frying, or if you replace the chicken in your fried chicken recipe with this chicken apple smoked sausage recipe.

4. Chicken and cheese on a stick:

It is great for snacks at any time of the day.

5. Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes with vegetables:

Add a chicken apple smoked sausage recipe to your pizza.

6. Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes with pasta:

It is best when added to pasta and served as a side dish for dinner.

7. Apple chicken sausage recipes and eggs benedict:

It is one of the most popular ways of preparing chicken apple smoked sausages. It tastes

Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes
Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes

How to make chicken apple smoked sausage recipes with omelette?

Warm up the omelette mixture in a nonstick skillet. Pour some of the omelette mixtures into a smoking pan. Add some grated cheese on top and place it in the microwave for about one minute.

Add some small chicken smoked sausages to your favourite fried chicken recipes. It tastes great when served with scrambled eggs or on top of a pizza.

You can also add cheese or ham to the omelette mix if you prefer. It is best after frying, or if you replace the chicken in your fried chicken recipe with this chicken apple smoked sausage recipe.

How to make chicken apple smoked sausage recipes with pasta?

It is best when added to pasta and served as a side dish for dinner. It tastes great when served with scrambled eggs or on top of a pizza. You can also add cheese or ham to the omelette mix if you prefer.

It is best after frying, or if you replace the chicken in your fried chicken recipe with this chicken apple smoked sausage recipe.

How do you make the Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes healthy?

This recipe is a little oily, so it is best to use cooking spray instead of oil. You can replace the fat in the recipe with low-fat or non-fat milk and use low-fat yoghurt for the omelette mixture.

You can also use skim milk instead of whole milk. You can also replace the butter in the recipe with cooking spray, or if you prefer, you can use olive oil.

What are the health benefits of Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes?

Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes are rich in vitamin C, iron and protein. The high content of iron makes it an ideal breakfast for people who suffer from anaemia. It is also a good source of zinc that supports the growth and development of children’s body tissues.

Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes are also rich in riboflavin, niacin and B6 vitamins. Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes contain abundant amounts of selenium that promotes the health of our immune systems.

Niacin helps the body to convert carbohydrates into energy. It also helps to keep a healthy heart and lowers high cholesterol levels in our blood. Niacin also contributes to the maintenance of skin and hair health.

Is it healthy for children?

Chicken apple smoked sausages are healthy for children because they do not contain any cholesterol, saturated fat or sodium. This recipe does not contain preservatives or artificial colours.

What are the best chicken apple smoked sausage recipes?

Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes are top-rated, and there are many variations of this recipe. Sausages, cheese and eggs can be added to make different kinds.

For example, it can be used for a sandwich, or the omelette mixture can be turned into breakfast bites by adding chicken, ham or bacon with cheese.

What temperature should chicken apple sausage be cooked to?

Chicken apple smoked sausages should be cooked until all internal temperature is at 170 degrees, or even a little higher.

The best way to know if your chicken apple smoked sausages are cooked is to insert a toothpick into them and let them sit for about 30 seconds. If the toothpick goes in quickly, the link is ready to eat.

Can I fry chicken and apple smoked sausage recipes in the oven?

You can fry chicken; apple smoked sausage recipes in the oven. Just remember not to add any oils or fats to the cooking process. Instead, add more water and cook on a grill instead of your smoker.

The smoking process gives the chicken that smokey flavour and the bread crumbs give it a fantastic texture.

Can I bake chicken apple smoked sausage recipes?

You can bake chicken; apple smoked sausage recipes. Just cook it as you would type in a 350-degree Fahrenheit oven for about 45 minutes.

Can I make chicken apple smoked sausage recipes in a nonstick frying pan?

You can make chicken apple smoked sausage recipes in a nonstick frying pan. Just prepare them as you would, and cook in a nonstick frying pan on the stovetop at medium heat for about 30 minutes.

How do you prepare chicken apple smoked sausage recipes in a smoker?

Prepare chicken apple smoked sausage recipes by adding the chicken apple smoked sausages to your smoker at around 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

Use apple wood or hickory chips if you can. Prepare the smoker using wood chips and leave it to smoke for about an hour.

Can I freeze the cooked chicken apple smoked sausage recipe?

You can freeze cooked chicken apple smoked sausage recipe. Just remember not to add any oils or fats to the cooking process. Instead, add more water and cook on a grill instead of your smoker.

Chicken apple smoked sausage recipes


The chicken apple smoked sausage recipe is an excellent addition to anyone’s diet. It is easy to prepare in many different ways. The reduction in fat makes it a healthy choice as well as tasty.

You can cook chicken apple smoked sausages in many different ways, and they taste delicious with eggs or omelette.

If you want something simple and tasty for breakfast, sandwiches with chicken and smoked apple sausages are the best way to go about it.

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