North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe: Unique Making Direction

North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe is one of the most popular recipes in India, especially in Northern India. This is one of the best dishes you can make with curry as a main ingredient. The following article will help you understand how to cook a North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe and enjoy it.

North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe uses many ingredients to make it tasty. I will list them below and tell you the elements needed to get started with this North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe.

What is the North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe?

The north Indian spicy chicken curry recipe is an exciting/delicious dish. It is a dish that uses many ingredients and spices to make it tasty. It uses lots of Indian spices and tastes very good. You will love to have this food item if you like Indian food.

It is an easy recipe to cook North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe, yet the taste leaves you addicted to it every time you eat it. The North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe is trendy in India, especially in the North.

North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe
North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe

How Long Will It Take To Prepare?

  • Prepare time: 10-15 minutes
  • Cook time: 25-30 minutes
  • Total time: 45 minutes
  • Servings: 3-4
  • The intensity level of difficulty: Easy

How to make a North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe?

Essential Ingredients For North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe:

  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken bosoms or thighs cut into reduced-down pieces
  • Three cloves garlic, minced
  • Two onions, finely slashed
  • One tablespoon ginger, ground
  • Two tomatoes slashed
  • One tablespoon of tomato glue
  • One teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • One teaspoon turmeric
  • One teaspoon of garam masala
  • One teaspoon of coriander powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (change as indicated by your inclination)
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • New cilantro, slashed (for decorating)

Directions For North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe:

Step 1

Heat the oil over medium-high intensity in an enormous pot or Dutch broiler.

Step 2

Add the cumin seeds and cook until they begin sizzling around 30 seconds.

Step 3

Add the onions and cook until they are delicate and clear around 5-7 minutes.

Step 4

Add the garlic and ginger and cook for one more moment until fragrant.

Step 5

Add the tomatoes, glue, coriander powder, garam masala, turmeric, cayenne pepper, and salt. Mix well to consolidate.

Step 6

Add the chicken pieces and mix until they are covered with the zest combination.

Step 7

Add the water and heat the curry to the point of boiling.

Step 8

Lessen the intensity to low, cover the pot, and let the curry stew for 20-25 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and delicate. Decorate with slashed cilantro and present with rice or naan bread.

North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe
North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe

Additional Tips For North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe:

  1. Marinating the chicken in yogurt, flavours, and lemon juice for no less than 30 minutes or short-term will assist with implanting the chicken with flavour and make it delicate.
  2. Chicken with bones will generally have more flavor and stays delicate and delicious during the cooking process.
  3. Toasting entire flavours like cumin, coriander, and cardamom seeds in a dry skillet before crushing them will deliver their oils and make them more fragrant.
  4. New ginger, garlic, and cilantro can have a tremendous effect on the flavour of your curry.
  5. Cooking the curry on low intensity for a more drawn-out time frame will help the flavours merge and make a rich, complex sauce.
  6. If you lean toward a milder curry, diminish how much red stew powder and increment the sum, assuming you need it spicier.
  7. Adding a sprinkle of garam masala, a zest mix of cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and other warming flavours toward the finish of cooking will add a last layer of flavour to your curry.
North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe
North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe

Precautions For North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe:

  1. Ensure the chicken and different fixings like onions, tomatoes, and flavours are new and not past their termination date. Utilizing new fixings guarantees that your dish tastes tasty and is protected from consumption.
  2. While caring for chicken, try to clean up thoroughly when contacting it. Utilize a different cutting board for chicken and other fixings to avoid cross-defilement. Cook the chicken to a temperature of 165°F to dispense with any hurtful microscopic organisms.
  3. Flavours make a North Indian chicken curry delightful, yet utilizing a lot of any one zest can overwhelm the dish. Begin with a limited quantity of each spice, taste the curry, and change the flavouring depending on the situation.
  4. North Indian chicken curry is known for its fieriness. However, not every person can deal with a similar degree of intensity. Change how much bean stew powder or new chillies per your taste inclinations.
  5. Try to cook the chicken curry for around 20-25 minutes to guarantee the chicken is completely cooked and the flavors have merged.
  6. If you have extras, store them in a sealed shut compartment in the fridge for as long as three days. Warm the curry thoroughly before consuming.

Nutrition Facts Of North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe:

Calories 248 kcal
Total Fat 11.5g
Saturated Fat 2.2g
Cholesterol 82mg
Sodium 717mg
Carbohydrates 5.1g
Dietary Fiber 0.8g
Sugars 2.7g
Protein 27.2g
North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe

5 Unique Serving Ideas For North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe-

1. Chicken Curry Burrito:

Fill a tortilla wrap with the chicken curry, some rice, and a touch of sharp cream. Roll up and appreciate as a delightful and filling burrito.

2. Chicken Curry Bowl:

Serve the chicken curry over a bed of basmati rice and top with new cilantro, cut onions, and a crush of lime. This is an incredible choice for a solid and fulfilling lunch or supper.

3. Chicken Curry Naan Pizza:

Spread some garlic naan bread with a layer of pureed tomatoes, then, at that point, top with the chicken curry and some destroyed mozzarella cheddar. Heat in the broiler until the cheddar is dissolved and effervescent for a one-of-a-kind and delicious pizza.

4. Chicken Curry Omelet:

Beat a couple of eggs together and empty them into a hot container. When the eggs start to set, add a scoop of the chicken curry aside and crease the opposite side over the top. Cook until the eggs are set and present with some toast for a generous breakfast.

5. Chicken Curry Salad:

Blend the chicken curry with some hacked lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes. Top with some disintegrated feta cheddar and a sprinkle of olive oil for a tasty and fulfilling salad.

North Indian spicy chicken curry recipe


If you can’t make North Indian spicy chicken curry, consider considering other curry styles. For example, Bengali or Madras curry would make a great companion to this dish.

We do hope you can try this dish. If you have any issues or questions, please leave a remark below.

People Frequently ask questions

What Key Ingredients Are Needed For A North Indian Spicy Chicken Curry Recipe?

It is best to utilize new fixings for this spicy chicken curry recipe. For example, the chicken should be fresh and crisp.
Boneless, skinless chicken bosoms or thighs, cut into reduced-down pieces, cloves garlic, minced onions, finely slashed, ginger, ground, tomatoes, scored, tomato glue, cumin seeds, turmeric, garam masala, coriander powder, cayenne pepper (change as indicated by your inclination), vegetable oil, salt (or to taste), water.

How Do You Make The Perfect Spice Blend For A North Indian Chicken Curry?

Many people utilize a blend of cumin, coriander, cardamom and others. Others put forth their mix or take after one of the most neglected ones as indicated by their inclination.
Be that as it may, we have our unmistakable blend of six spices: ground cumin, whole coriander seeds, black peppercorns, cardamom pods and cloves.

What’s The Best Way To Marinate Chicken For A Spicy Curry?

We imply making a marinade with lemon juice, tomato paste, yogurt or even garam masala and yogurt. This makes the chicken tender and gives it a delightful flavour.
Begin by cutting the chicken into smaller pieces around 1.5 x 1.5 inches. Ensure you completely clean the meat and set it aside for 10 minutes in a saucer. After this time, include ginger, garlic, onions, turmeric and other flavours to the chicken in a saucer and ensure your flavour blend completely covers the meat.

Can You Substitute Bone-In Chicken With Boneless Chicken In A North Indian Curry Recipe?

If you aren’t a terrible eater and don’t want to eliminate much meat, you can utilize boneless meat in the curry. Ensure it is set out for a little while and not left for more than 15 minutes to avoid an undercooked chicken.

What’s The Best Way To Cook Chicken For A North Indian Curry Recipe?

Chicken should be cooked until its inner temperature is around 165°F. This method guarantees the chicken is thoroughly cooked and won’t harm your taste buds with rotten meat.
If you need to simmer, cook the chicken until it is tender and add the ingredients. Ensure that the chicken remains covered.

What Vegetables Can You Add To A North Indian Chicken Curry Recipe To Make It More Flavorful?

Green beans, eggplant and cauliflower, are some of the vegetables that are exceptionally tasteful in curry blends. You can likewise add zucchini, peas and mushrooms to the taste of your chicken curry.

Can Coconut Milk Instead Of Cream In A North Indian Chicken Curry Recipe?

You can utilize coconut milk if you don’t have any cream accessible. Ensure you take after the same ratio of coconut milk to other liquids. It will likewise be ideal to use fresh coconut milk instead of canned milk.

How Can You Adjust The Level Of Spiciness In A North Indian Chicken Curry To Suit Your Taste?

You can adjust the spiciness of the chicken curry to your taste. For instance, add around 1 tsp of cayenne pepper to make it hotter or leave it out ultimately to make it less desirable.
You can also include some pepper powder and hot paprika to add heat. Additionally, you can utilize garlic paste and tomato puree instead of fresh garlic and tomatoes for more prominent intensity.

What Are The Health Benefits Of A North Indian Spicy Chicken Curry Recipe?

This is a lightweight and energizing dish. It incorporates lean meat, low fat and high protein. It helps maintain skin elasticity, improves immunity, reduces cholesterol, and boosts skin tone.

How Long Can You Refrigerate A North Indian Spicy Chicken Curry Recipe?

You can store the chicken curry for around three days in the fridge. Ensure the chicken and yogurt are kept aside from each other. Cover the bowl with plastic to protect it from bugs, and use a spot vitality ice pack to keep it cool.

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