Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe: Easy Healthy Instructions

Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe is a Japanese-theme vegan dish that will infuse flavour into your plate. Wide broth-based ramen varieties are vegetarian; you don’t have to be with this recipe.

Chicken curry is the show’s star in this soup, but a good amount of vegetables are thrown in for health-conscious locals. The veggies include snow peas, carrots, and cauliflower, adding nutrients without many calories.

What is the Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe?

This recipe is a new twist to the traditional Japanese dish. It’s a simple recipe that uses store-bought ingredients. There is no added fat, but it still has the intense flavours that Chicken curry dishes are known for. Feel free to add some tofu or cubes to the mix if you prefer a different texture.

The ratio of ramen noodles to soup is pretty standard in Japan. Each person gets a whole bowl of ramen and needs to eat the entire bowl before leaving.

Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe
Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe

How Long Will It Take To Prepare?

  • Prepare time: 10-15 minutes
  • Cook time: 20-25 minutes
  • Ready in: 40 minutes
  • Servings: 2-3 people

How to make a Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe?

Ingredients needed to make the Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe:

  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • One onion, cleaved
  • Two garlic cloves minced
  • 1 tbsp ground ginger
  • 2 tbsp curry powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • One might add coconut at any point milk
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tsp earthy-coloured sugar
  • Four packs of ramen noodles
  • 2 cups cooked Chicken, destroyed or diced
  • Two green onions cut
  • One red chile pepper cut
  • One lime cut
  • One green chime pepper cut
  • cilantro, cleaved (discretionary)

Instructions for Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe:

Step 1

Heat the oil in a massive pot over medium intensity. Add the onions, garlic, ginger, and sauté until the onions are transparent.

Step 2

Add the curry powder, cumin, and coriander to the pot, and cook for 1-2 minutes, mixing continually.

Step 3

Pour coconut milk, fish sauce, soy sauce, and earthy-coloured sugar into the chicken stock. Bring to a stew and let it cook for 10-15 minutes, mixing sometimes.

Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe
Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe

Step 4

Add the destroyed or diced Chicken to the pot, and let it stew for 5-10 minutes. In a different bank, cook the ramen noodles as per bundle directions.

Step 5

Partition the cooked ramen noodles into four dishes. Spoon the Chicken curry stock over the noodles in each bowl.

Step 6

Top each bowl with cut red and green chime peppers, green onions, and a cut of lime. Decorate with slashed cilantro whenever wanted.

Step 7

Serve hot, and partake in your hand-crafted Chicken Curry Ramen Noodles!

Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe
Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe

Additional Tips For Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe:

  1. Utilize bone-in chicken thighs rather than chicken bosoms. Thighs have more flavour and are less inclined to dry out during cooking.
  2. Make your curry glue for more profundity of flavour. Combine one fixing like garlic, ginger, bean stew powder, turmeric, coriander, cumin, and paprika to make your curry glue.
  3. Add vegetables like carrots, mushrooms, and bok choy to make the dish more nutritious and tasty.
  4. Utilize top-notch ramen noodles for the best surface and flavour. New ramen noodles are great; however, if you can’t find them, you can utilize dried noodles.
  5. Try not to overcook the noodles. Cook them until they’re still somewhat firm, and afterwards, quickly wash them in chilly water to stop the cooking system.
Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe
Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe

Precautions For Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe:

  1. Using chicken broth instead of homemade will have less flavour and taste like every other ramen noodle.
  2. The ramen noodles should never be eaten raw, as they are made from wheat flour and will be prone to falling apart.
  3. When eating ramen noodles, your face should always match the character on the front packaging of the noodle (Bowl of Chicken) since that’s what is used for judging when you eat these delicacies in Japan!
  4. Coconut milk is thicker than soy milk and, therefore, responsible for the consistency of this dish.
  5. The spice amount may be adjusted to your taste, but remember that the amount of curry powder per teaspoon you use will affect how much flavour you get out of this dish.
  6. This recipe calls for chicken broth rather than water to contain more flavour.

Nutrition Facts Of Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe:

Calories 375 kcal
Carbohydrates 8.9 grams
Protein 31.7 grams
Fiber 1.6 grams
Fat 16.2 grams
Cholesterol 10 grams
Sodium 375 milligrams
Potassium 1392 milligrams
Saturated Fat3 grams
Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe

5 Unique Serving Ideas For Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe-

1. Ramen Noodle Bowl with Chicken Curry:

Just serve your chicken curry ramen noodles in a big bowl embellished with cleaved green onions, new cilantro, and a wedge of lime. The sweet-smelling stock, delicate Chicken, and springy noodles make for an encouraging and fulfilling dinner.

2. Ramen Noodle Soup with Chicken Curry:

If you favour a soupier dish, add more stock to your chicken curry ramen noodles recipe. Serve it in a bowl with a spoon and chopsticks, trimming with new spices, cut chilies, and sprinkle sesame oil.

3. Chicken Curry Ramen Noodle Pan fried food:

Transform your chicken curry ramen noodles into a sautéed food by sautéing your number one vegetables (chime peppers, onions, and carrots) in a hot wok or skillet. Then add the cooked ramen noodles and chicken curry, throw everything together, and serve hot.

4. Ramen Noodle Salad with Chicken Curry Dressing:

For a lighter interpretation of your chicken curry ramen noodles, prepare cooked noodles with destroyed cabbage, cut cucumbers, and destroyed Chicken. Shower with a dressing produced using chicken curry, lime juice, honey, and soy sauce, and serve cold.

5. Ramen Noodle Omelet with Chicken Curry Filling:

Transform your chicken curry ramen noodles into a filling for an omelet. Whisk eggs and milk together, and cook in a hot skillet. Load up with cooked chicken curry ramen noodles, and crease over. Serve hot, embellished with new spices and hot sauce.

Chicken curry ramen noodles recipe


The chicken curry ramen noodles recipe suits those who want to experiment with a typical dish. If you don’t have many ingredients, substitute the ones that you do have. This recipe is so well-liked that it can be found in most ramen stores.

If you want something new to try, experiment with the information in this article. Be creative with your cooking; before long, you can prepare more advanced dishes like the one described here.

People Frequently Ask Questions

What Ingredients Are Needed To Make A Chicken Curry Ramen Noodles Recipe?

The chicken curry ramen noodles recipe requires the use of a few ingredients. The most important is chicken breast, which should be cut into thinly elongated strips. The quantity of chicken breast required depends on your recipe size.
Other ingredients to prepare your chicken curry ramen noodles include white pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and brown sugar. Chicken stock and coconut milk are also essential ingredients for preparing this dish.

What Kind Of Noodles Are Best For A Chicken Curry Ramen Recipe?

Noodles of your choice can be used to prepare this dish. Cooked ramen noodles are the most common type to prepare chicken curry ramen noodles. However, you can make homemade noodles using wheat flour, salt, and water.

What Goes In The Homemade Chicken Curry Ramen Noodles Recipe?

You can always mix different kinds of ingredients in the homemade chicken curry ramen noodles recipe. You should use chicken breast and other vegetables like onions, carrots, and potatoes.

Tips For Creating A Good Chicken Curry Ramen Noodles Recipe?

There are some tips that you should consider when preparing your own chicken curry ramen noodles recipe. These include having a good chef’s knife and cutting board, cleanliness, and the importance of using dried spices.
The following are ways to ensure quick and easy access to ingredients for this dish: Have a good chef’s knife and cutting board.

Can You Use Other Meat Besides Chicken In A Curry Ramen Noodles Recipe?

You can use other types of meat to prepare a chicken curry ramen noodles recipe. For example, you can substitute Chicken with beef, pork, or shrimp. All these meats would need to be cut into thin strips before cooking.

What Spices And Seasonings Are Typically Used In A Chicken Curry Ramen Noodles Recipe?

Generally, most people prefer to use the same seasonings in their chicken curry ramen noodles recipe. These include sugar, salt, black pepper, and lemon juice.
Ultimately, you need to get creative with your cooking to make this a dish you can be proud of. Be sure to have everything you need before beginning your chicken curry ramen noodles recipe.

Can You Make A Vegetarian Or Vegan Version Of A Chicken Curry Ramen Noodles Recipe?

You can make a vegetarian but not a vegan version of your chicken curry ramen noodles recipe. Just use a vegetable broth and substitute the meats used with tofu. Finally, you should add some vegetable stock to your homemade noodles.
Chicken curry ramen has been the filling meal for many people who want to prepare a quick and easy dish at home without going out to buy ingredients. You will have many options when cooking this dish in your home kitchen while enjoying its delicious taste.

How Can You Adjust The Recipe To Make It More Or Less Spicy To Your Liking?

You can adjust the spiciness of the chicken curry ramen noodles recipe by using more or less of the ingredients used in its preparation. If you desire a milder flavour, you can increase the amount of lemon juice and decrease the amount of brown sugar.
When cooking this dish, ensure you don’t overcook it to avoid over-cooking or furnaces giving it an unpleasant taste. Keep this in mind when preparing your chicken curry ramen noodles recipe.

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