Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe: Easy Cooking Direction

Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe is a very popular dish in India. There are many versions of the World’s Most Popular Chicken Curry Recipe, but they always have four steps. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to make an authentic Indian chicken curry recipe. The first step is to make chicken and blend it with spices.

Second is adding vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, and green chillies into the mixture, producing a perfect blend of flavours for this new dish.

What is the Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe?

The word ‘Chicken curry’ is the most popular dish in Indian cuisine. It is prepared by mixing spices with cubed chicken and added with vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, green chillies etc.

This dish has been popular for centuries and is still prepared by thousands worldwide. It has greatly impacted global foodies since its introduction to the world and continues to be one of the most famous cuisines from India Today.

Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe
Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe

How Long Will It Take To Prepare?

  • Prepare time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: 35 minutes
  • Total time: 55 minutes
  • Servings: 4

How to make an Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe?

Essential Ingredients For Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe:

  • 1 kg chicken, cut into pieces
  • Three tomatoes, finely slashed
  • One tablespoon of ginger glue
  • Two onions, finely slashed
  • One teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • One tablespoon of garlic glue
  • Two green chillies, finely slashed
  • One teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • One teaspoon of garam masala powder
  • One teaspoon of coriander powder
  • One teaspoon of red bean stew powder
  • Salt, to taste
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • New coriander leaves, slashed to decorate

Directions For Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe:

Step 1

Heat the oil in an enormous pot or kadhai over medium intensity. Add the cumin seeds and let them sizzle for a couple of moments.

Step 2

Add the slashed onions and sear until they are brilliant brown.

Step 3

Add the ginger and garlic glue and sear briefly.

Step 4

Add the slashed tomatoes and green chillies, and cook until the tomatoes are delicate and soft.

Step 5

Add the coriander, turmeric, garam masala, red bean stew, and salt. Blend well and cook briefly.

Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe
Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe

Step 6

Add the chicken pieces and mix to cover them with the flavours. Cook for 10 minutes, mixing sporadically.

Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe
Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe

Step 7

Add sufficient water to cover the chicken and heat it to boiling. Decrease the intensity to low, cover the pot, and stew for 20-25 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and the sauce has thickened.

Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe
Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe

Step 8

Change the flavouring and trimming with slashed new coriander leaves. Serve hot with rice, naan, or roti.

Additional Tips For Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe:

  1. Bone-in chicken pieces, like thighs and drumsticks, are more tasty and delicate than boneless chicken and hold up better in the curry.
  2. Toasting your full flavours, such as cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and cardamom units, in a dry skillet before crushing them will upgrade their flavour and smell.
  3. Adding a spoonful of plain yoghurt or cream toward the finish of cooking will give the curry a rich, sumptuous surface.
  4. Garam masala is a mix of flavours regularly utilized in Indian cooking. You can make your own by toasting and crushing full flavours like cinnamon, cloves, and dark peppercorns.
  5. Utilize new ginger and garlic: Newly ground ginger and garlic will brighten the curry. You can likewise make a ginger-garlic glue by mixing a balance of ginger and garlic with just enough water.
Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe
Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe

Precautions For Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe:

  1. Guarantee that every ingredient you use is new and of good quality. This incorporates chicken, flavours, vegetables, and different flavours.
  2. Utilize a perfect and clean cooking region to keep away from any cross-defilement. It is additionally crucial for cleanup when taking care of the crude chicken.
  3. Cook the chicken completely to forestall any foodborne diseases. The interior temperature of the chicken ought to reach 165°F (74°C).
  4. Utilize a big lined container to cook the curry to keep it from consuming and adhering to the lower part of the skillet.
  5. Utilize the perfect proportion of flavours and prepare according to the recipe. Be mindful not to add excessive salt or taste, which can demolish the dish’s flavour.
  6. Store any extras in a water/airproof holder in the fridge for as long as three days, or freeze them for later utilization.

Nutrition Facts Of Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe:

Calories142 kcal
Total Fat4.8 gm
Saturated Fat0.6 gm
Cholesterol52 mg
Sodium462 mg
Potassium230 mg
Total Carbohydrates4.4 gm
Sugars1.3 gm
Proteins15.2 gm
Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe

5 Unique Serving Ideas For Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe-

1. Present with Naan Bread:

Naan bread is a staple in Indian cooking and is the ideal backup to any curry dish. Serve your chicken curry with new, warm naan bread for a delightful and genuine Indian dinner.

2. Present with Basmati Rice:

Basmati rice is a fragrant, long-grain rice ordinarily utilized in Indian cooking. Serve your chicken curry over a cosy, steaming basmati rice bed for a good and filling dinner.

3. Top with Seared Onions:

Broiled onions are a typical trimming in Indian food, adding a delightful crunch and flavour to any dish. For an interesting and tasty turn, top your chicken curry for certain fresh seared onions.

4. Add a Spot of Yogurt:

Yoghurt is a staple in Indian cooking and is often used to adjust the zestiness of curry dishes. Add a bit of plain yoghurt to your chicken curry for a cool and smooth difference in the intensity of the flavours.

5. Present with Pickles:

Indian pickles, or achar, add tang and flavour to your chicken curry. Serve your curry with pickles for an extraordinary and tasty expansion to your feast.


Authentic Indian chicken curry recipe makes for a fulfilling meal that even the fussiest eater will love. It is one of the most common dishes served in many parts of India and is easy to prepare and cook with your loved ones.

People Frequently ask questions

What Are The Essential Ingredients For An Authentic Indian Chicken Curry?

There are different authentic Indian chicken curry recipes and recommendations, so it depends on the type of curry you wish to make. The most important thing to think about when making this dish is the sauce consistency which can be made from a few key ingredients.

What Is The Difference Between A North Indian Chicken Curry And A South Indian Chicken Curry?

The main difference between chicken curries from the North and South of India is the delicacy of the sauce, texture and general colour. North Indian curries have a creamier consistency, while Southern curries have more fragrant notes.

How Do You Make A Curry Base For Indian Chicken Curry?

It is possible to use different curry bases depending on the dish and the spice you wish to cook your chicken with. You can make your curry base or use dried herbs you can buy or have at home.

How Do You Make An Authentic Indian Chicken Curry Recipe?

The most important thing to remember when making Indian food is the quality of the ingredients you use. With authentic Indian food, people take many different recipes from one region to another; each has a different flavour and spice.
It is critical to remember that when making authentic Indian food, you have to make sure the sauce and seasonings are perfect because if they are not, it will affect your dish’s flavour and consistency.

How Do You Make Authentic Indian Chicken Curry From Scratch?

Although there are a few steps in making a curry, it is possible to make your own base for various dishes. Many different spice sets can be combined with these ingredients, changing the flavour and adding an interesting taste to your word.

What Is The Best Chicken Cut For An Indian Chicken Curry?

Chicken is a popular meat for dishes such as curry, and it can be cooked and used in various ways in authentic Indian cooking. The best cut of chicken that can be used for a curry dish is the leg or thigh, but it is entirely up to the cook what part of the chicken they decide to use.

Can You Make A Vegetarian Version Of Indian Chicken Curry Using Paneer Or Tofu?

It is possible to use various ingredients to incorporate into your curries, such as paneer or tofu. However, the most important consideration for making a vegetarian curry is the type of seasonings you use.

If You Want To Make Your Curry With Chicken, Here Are Some Tips:

The most important thing when making chicken curry is the consistency of the sauce. If you’re making a creamy curry, use cream, and if you want to make it sourer, use lemon juice.

What Are Some Tips For Making The Perfect Indian Chicken Curry?

The most important thing when making authentic Indian food is to make sure you use the best quality ingredients you can. It is also important to remember what spices and seasonings are used in other regional recipes and the type of curry they use.

Can You Cook Chicken Curry In A Slow Cooker?

It is possible to cook chicken curry in a slow cooker. The best thing about making it in the slow cooker is that it will give the chicken time to cook through completely and relax, thus giving more flavour and flavour to your dish.

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